"সত্যে, সাম্যে, একতায়"

Dr. Tahsina Farah Sanam received prestigious 2023 Early Career Fellowships by OWSD

Dr. Tahsina Farah Sanam received prestigious 2023 Early Career Fellowships by OWSD

Dr. Tahsina Farah Sanam received prestigious 2023 Early Career Fellowships by OWSD

Dr. Tahsina Farah Sanam, Associate Professor, IAT has been distinguished with the prestigious 2023 Early Career Fellowships by the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) - an organization of UNESCO, joining an elite group of 28 scientists selected globally. These scientists will receive up to USD 50,000 to lead research projects and establish research groups at their home institutions in 16 countries in the developing world, to maintain an international standard of research and attract scholars from all over the world to collaborate. This initiative, funded by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), aims to bolster international research standards in the Global South and forge a collaborative scientific community.

These fellowships, spanning a three-year duration, are not just financial endowments but also a gateway to leadership and management training, enhancing communication and outreach skills among the recipients. The overarching goal is to translate these research endeavors into marketable products or impactful societal contributions, ensuring the sustainability and global relevance of their projects.

https://owsd.net/news/news-events/introducing-2023-owsd-early-career-fellows তথ্যসূত্রঃ বুয়েট ওয়েবসাইট

মন্তব্য করতে লগিন করুন
এখনো কোনো মন্তব্য যুক্ত হয়নি!
এখন থেকে বুয়েটে শিক্ষক, কর্মকর্তা ও কর্মচারীদের সকল ধরণের রাজনৈতিক কার্যক্রম নিষিদ্ধ

বাংলাদেশ প্রকৌশল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় (বুয়েট) কর্তৃপক্ষ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ঐতিহ্য রক্ষা, শিক্ষার মান … বিস্তারিত

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