"সত্যে, সাম্যে, একতায়"

লেজুড়ভিত্তিক ছাত্ররাজনীতির বিপক্ষে আন্দোলনরত শিক্ষার্থীদের সমর্থন জানালেন বুয়েট এর সাবেক শিক্ষক, বাংলাদেশ এটোমিক এনার্জি কমিশণ এর সাবেক রিসার্চ ফেলো এবং বর্তমানে পোর্টল্যান্ড স্টেট ইউনিভার্সিটি এর ফ্যাকাল্টি ডক্টর শায়েস্তাগীর চৌধুরী

তার ফেইসবুক পোস্ট থেকে সংগৃহীত :


It bothers me to be silent and see the University, BUET, I feel proud of, going nowhere with the recent incidents.

Since Abrar Fahad's tragic death on October 7, 2019, student politics have been prohibited by the authority of BUET with the express approval of Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. I have witnessed visiting the BUET campus and talking to teachers and students; almost all whom I met have been going through everyday campus life since the ban on politics on campus.

Around midnight on Thursday, March 28, a prominent leading figure from student politics arrived at BUET premises. Students questioned their entering campus very late that night, around 1:00 AM. The concern was raised based on a general notice that instructed all security individuals to stop any general student from entering the academic campus after 10:30 PM. Following the incident, general students became fearful of the security of the campus. The following afternoon of March 29, the general students stepped up to a movement demanding an explanation as to why the gates were opened to the politically affiliated personnel despite the general prohibition of 'NO ENTRY' on campus after 10:30 for even a general student. The questions were met with promises of investigation regarding the night incident and the hall expulsion of a student of batch 21, as he had been the suspect in instigating the entrance of the mentioned political personnel. He had previously been included in the central committee of a major political student party. He had pledged not to become involved with political activity inside campus premises.

The general students declared that they would only participate in academic activities once proper actions were taken in response to the incident at midnight on the 28th. On the morning of March 30, the students took a stance on campus while the examinees of batch 22 still needed to appear for the exam. The general students protested by not appearing in the following exam, where only 1 of 1215 students from batch 20 appeared. But on that day (March 31), the general students had not taken a position inside the campus, which shows the spontaneous participation of the students in their protest, as there arose some accusations of student protest being the barrier to students taking part in examinations. They took part in discussions with the respected Vice Chancellor regarding their demands on the same day and strengthened their stance. The general students were steadfast in their voices against the intrusion of student politics under any political party on their campus.

Various propaganda and character defamation have been constantly going on in social media. One is that there is no celebration on national days and festivals, which is untrue. Various clubs and student bodies celebrate Independence Day and Victory Day with festive participation. We are always heavily influenced and motivated by the ideas and lessons of the Father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. August 15 has been celebrated regularly with utmost respect by the student body. There has been another accusation that some of the students are being harassed and opposed to taking part in those national celebrations, which is also very false and can be verified in his social media activities.

There has been constant talk about some blocked political parties influencing general students. We were also vocal about that issue, as DSW has been informed instantly about potentially threatening emails to general students.

After being expelled from the hall, a student put a writ petition. Following that, the High Court maintained the effectiveness of the university notice that banned student politics on the campus (Daily Star, April 1). Students urge the honorable Vice Chancellor to ensure a politically free campus within institutional law and take legal steps immediately. We are trying to seek the attention of the honorable Prime Minister, as she once gave the independence of such decisions to respective authorities (BUET administration in this case).

As a whole, the student body fears that unlawful activities will again rise under the banner of student politics as they once did. Brutal ragging culture (which even caused the death of Abrar Fahad), extortions related to various celebrations and tenders, and creating an environment of constant fear within all students are all in the minds of all the protesting students. They demand a campus free of politics.

Currently, a social media campaign is going on, and almost all the students are raising their voices against any student politics in BUET, which alums of this prestigious institution have also supported.

Many bright BUET students are doing world-class research in prestigious universities in various countries worldwide. Many former BUET teachers hold prestigious positions in universities and research institutes worldwide. I have not seen any student politics in any university during my 26 years of US life. Many articles have been written on the negative impact of student politics on educational universities. As a former student and teacher of BUET, I don't see any reason to have politics at BUET campus. Our students should focus on education and innovation. Our teachers should work hard to prepare them to compete globally, bringing innovation home and not anxiety about getting harassed by others. Let BUET grow as a free, open, and technological leader as we expect globally.

মন্তব্য করতে লগিন করুন
এখনো কোনো মন্তব্য যুক্ত হয়নি!
এখন থেকে বুয়েটে শিক্ষক, কর্মকর্তা ও কর্মচারীদের সকল ধরণের রাজনৈতিক কার্যক্রম নিষিদ্ধ

বাংলাদেশ প্রকৌশল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় (বুয়েট) কর্তৃপক্ষ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ঐতিহ্য রক্ষা, শিক্ষার মান … বিস্তারিত

ছাত্রলীগ নির্মমতার শিকার বুয়েটছাত্র আবরার ফাহাদ এর পঞ্চম মৃত্যুবার্ষিকী পালিত

শহীদ আবরার ফাহাদ কেবল বুয়েটিই নয় বরং গোটা বাংলাদেশের জন্য … বিস্তারিত

ফেরি ডিজাইনে বুয়েটের সাফল্যগাঁথা: আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিযোগিতায় বাংলাদেশের জয়যাত্রা

মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রভিত্তিক ওয়ার্ল্ডওয়াইড ফেরি সেফটি অ্যাসোসিয়েশন (WFSA) বিশ্বজুড়ে নিরাপদ ফেরির … বিস্তারিত

বুয়েটে ফের নিষিদ্ধ হলো লেজুড়ভিত্তিক ছাত্ররাজনীতি

২৮সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪: বাংলাদেশ প্রকৌশল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের (বুয়েট) একাডেমিক কাউন্সিল সম্প্রতি এক … বিস্তারিত

আবারো ক্লাস -পরীক্ষা বয়কটে বুয়েট শিক্ষার্থীরা

রাজনৈতিক সংশ্লিষ্টতায় অভিযুক্ত শিক্ষার্থীদের নিয়ে কর্তৃপক্ষ থেকে আশানুরূপ‌ কোন তৎপরতা … বিস্তারিত